Tuesday, 6 March 2012

What is the Cosatu strike all about?

Cosatu trade union federation will strike nationally on Wednesday the 7th of March 2012 in protest over the proposed implementation of the Gauteng tolling system as well as against labour brokers. 100 000 protestors are expected to gather in 32 places countrywide in the SA’s largest mass demonstration to date. This protest is the refusal to work for the purpose of defending or promoting the socioeconomic interests of workers.


Why do employers use labour brokers?

Labour brokers are used by employers in instances such as seasonal changes in product demand, staff absences, the requirement of employees with scarce skills for a short period of time etc and because of this increased demand for workplace flexibility the labour broker industry exists. Employers obviously benefit from the use of labour brokers in that they are rid of the risk, admin and paperwork that comes with employing and paying individuals as well as rigid labour laws involved in getting rid of employees who are working but whose services are no longer required. Even the economy benefits from this brokerage industry in that labour brokers are incentivised to train workers in a pool of skills and in doing so multi skilling these people making them more employable.

Labour brokers or TES’s (Temporary Employment Services)

TES’s lack the stability and resources in the workplace to unionise, therefore once again denying employees of their rights. Often broker/employee agreements contain clauses stating that termination at the end of employment shall not be construed as retrenchment and therefore denying the employees their entitlement to severance pay as per the Basic Conditions of Employment.

Why does COSATU want labour broking banned?

COSATU compares labour broking to that of ‘modern-day-slavery’ and feels that the casualisation of labour by labour brokers denies employees of their constitutional rights as laid out in the Labour Relations Act and Basic Conditions of Employment Act.

The facts…
Nedlac has confirmed that there is a deadlock and this socio-economic strike will commence at 00h00 and end at 24h00 on 7 March 2012

Although to some extent, labour brokers deny employees of certain rights, the outright ban of the labour broker industry will close the doors of many businesses and will ultimately result in the loss of many, many more jobs.  You decide.

Compiled by Nikki Emmenes


CPT Labour Consultants - Who are we?

Cape Town Labour Consultants offer professional and comprehensive Human Resource and Industrial Relations services at an affordable cost to clients with in the Cape Town area. Contact Cape Town Labour consultants on 082 979 0684 or email info@cptlabourconsultants.co.za for help on your HR and IR needs including; disciplinary hearings, Grievances, CCMA Dealings, Mutual Separation Agreements, Retrenchment Procedures and Dealing with Trade Unions among others.
